All payments are made only to our WR Address:
Payment is made only with WR Tokens:
Create a Referendum - unlimited access
- Pay to create a Referendum: 300 000 WR Tokens
Applying for President - term of office 2 year
- Pay to applying for President. The President is elected for one year by the team of ALLBESTICO and is made public: 1 000 000 WR Tokens
After the vote, ALLBESTICO team elects the next President
- The President receives a subsidy of 20 000 000 WR Tokens
He will lead the development policy of the project for the next 2 year together with the team of ALLBESTICO!
A vote will be announced when a minimum of 10 people apply!
The President receives a subsidy of 20 000 000 WR Tokens and will lead - World Referendums - policy together with the ALLBESTICO team!
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City: {{}}
Region: {{user_question.region}}
Date: {{user_question.question_date}}
: {{(parseFloat(user_question.yes_answers) / parseFloat(user_question.answers_count)) * 100 }}% ({{user_question.yes_answers}})
: {{(parseFloat(user_question.no_answers) / parseFloat(user_question.answers_count)) * 100 }}% ({{user_question.no_answers}})